
New York Drug Treatment Court

Drug courts are basically a response to the epidemic of crack cocaine that was sweeping Florida during the 80s, and Miami jurists realized that there had to be a way to break the cycle of addiction and recidivism in drug offense crimes. The concept of the drug courts involves an intervention conducted by the court that pulls in resources from defense, prosecutors, treatment, education and law enforcement. The idea is that in return for a reduced sentence, the accused agrees to enter some type of treatment program that is supervised by the court. Our New York Drug Treatment Court Lawyer staff notes that these individuals are generally the non-violent offenders who don't have a long history of drug crime. The rules that the defendant must agree to are provided by the court, the defense attorney and the prosecuting attorney. At Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC, our staff of New York Drug Treatment Court Lawyers believe that these drug courts have proven to be very successful and as a result, they have sprung up across the country.

What makes a drug court different from a traditional court is that a drug treatment court is specialized to deal with drug-related crimes and to help stop people from abusing drugs and committing drug crimes. These courts are mostly available to non-violent offenders who are accused of minor drug offenses such as marijuana possession as well as small amounts of narcotics such as cocaine, crack, crystal meth and heroin. The idea is to reach people and help them turn their lives around before they become too mixed up in the world of drugs. The judge for each court will oversee each case and possible issue a ruling for mandatory random drug tests as well as close monitoring of the convicted individual.

One of the prime aspects of drug courts is personal accountability. Because the rules are clearly defined, the participant will have to help in their road to recovery. It's vital for their success that they participate and work towards building their life up again. Should a participant fail to obey the rules or meet the requirements imposed by the court and/or treatment program, the judge may decide to intervene. For example, a person who fails a random drug test might be sent to jail. A person who sticks with the program and progresses well may find that the charges against them dismissed or they may receive a lesser penalty, which is why it's so important to work hard through these types of treatment programs.

Another advantage to these drug courts is that it allows prison populations to remain smaller as opposed to throwing everyone in jail. They're also extremely popular because they provide an opportunity for people who have made mistakes to turn their lives around. If you've been charged with a non-violent drug offense, and do not have a prior criminal record, you may want to speak to our New York Criminal attorneys about getting your case into one of these drug courts. At Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC, our New York Drug Treatment Court Lawyer legal team is experienced in working with the New York Drug Treatment Court and helping their clients get through the programs so they can start their life anew.

While a person may initially want to have their case handed over to a New York Drug Treatment Court to get the charges reduced or dismissed, the fact is that many people who are having problems with drugs will find that they get help that attacks the root of their drug-related problem. This help can be life-changing.

If you have been arrested for a drug crime, contact our New York Drug Treatment Court Lawyer staff at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC to schedule a free consultation to learn about your legal options. You can reach us at 800.696.9529 or contact one of our New York City offices serving Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens, the Bronx or Brooklyn, as well as Westchester County or one of our Long Island offices in Nassau County or Suffolk County.