
New York Rohypnol

Rohypnol is a surgical anesthetic drug that is classified as a club drug, which is given this name due to the likelihood that the drug will be illegally used at a bar, concern, nightclub or party. Our New York Rohypnol Lawyer staff at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC states that this drug is a psychoactive drug that started becoming popularity in the U.S. in the early 1990s. While Rohypnol is similar to drugs such as Xanax or Valium, it has not been approved by the FDA for medical use and therefore, it is banned from this country.

Rohypnol is usually in a pill form and taken orally, but when used as illegally the drug may be ground down to a powder and snorted. Rohypnol can be referred to as roofies, forget me pill, roach, and roofenol. Due to the drugs characteristics of being colorless, almost tasteless and odorless, it is often combined with alcohol. Because of the drug’s intoxicating side effects, our New York Rohypnol Possession Defense Lawyer states that the drug is often used during a date rape or sexual assault and is therefore often called a date rape drug. The drug produces a type of amnesia and prevents some individuals from remembering what happened while they were intoxicated by the drug. If you have been arrested and charged with the use of Rohypnol, contact our New York Rohypnol Possession Defense Lawyer team for help.

Like most illegal and abused drugs, Rohypnol is addictive. If you are addicted to this drug, our staff can explain drug treatment court. In some cases, drug treatment court can allow an individual to forgo jail time in order that they may seek physical and mental rehabilitation. However, the individuals that are allowed this option are usually if caught with a small amount of Rohypnol and are first-time offenders. If you fall under this category, contact our New York Rohypnol Lawyer group at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC to learn if rehabilitation is a viable option for your case.

Whether you are a first time offender, a minor, or a repeat offender, being charged with possession of a controlled substance is a serious crime. Our experienced New York Rohypnol Possession Defense Lawyer staff can help you fight the charges and prepare a solid criminal defense. Contact our New York Drug Crime Lawyer staff with Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free consultation. Or contact one of our New York City office locations serving Staten Island, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan. For your convenience, we also have office locations in Long Island in both Suffolk County and Nassau County and serve Westchester County as well.